Grandall has extensive experience offering legal solutions for the telecommunications, semiconductor equipment, packaging and testing, e-commerce, financial technology, digital media, digital entertainment, digital health, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things, cyber security, and big data industries, and is constantly innovating the legal service model to meet ever-growing client demands in line with rapid industrial development. Grandall has received ALB’s Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Deal of the Year Award and caters to a wide range of clients, covering leading high-tech and Internet companies, semiconductor equipment manufacturers, telecom operators, e-commerce platforms, and new media companies both in China and abroad. Furthermore, Grandall’s lawyers are constantly improving their legal research and practice on data operations, data transmission, data confidentiality, data infringement, and data asset dispute resolution in the big data industry, providing solutions for an increasing number of domestic and foreign clients.
establishment, operation and M&A of network companies and network projects, and overseas listing of network company
Due diligence investigation, investment structure design, governmental approval formalities and project negotiation and signature, relating to VC investment project of network company
Legal issues, contract management, product liability and labour relationship in the daily operation of network company
Drafting and reviewing e-commerce contracts, and legal support for cross-border related transaction
Advising on network operation and service method, drafting and reviewing telecommunication contract
Online intellectual property right protection
Resolving dispute in domain name, preparation of domain-name transfer contracts, and service for other matters related thereto
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