Chambers Global Guide 2020:
Capital Markets: Domestic Issuances - Band 1
Capital Markets: Hong Kong and Overseas Issuances - Band 3
Energy & Natural Resources - Band 2
Corporate/M&A - Band 3
Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide 2020:
Capital Markets: Debt & Equity (Domestic Issuances) - Band 1
Capital Markets: Debt & Equity (Hong Kong and Overseas Issuances) - Band 3
Corporate/Commercial: East Coast: Tianjin - Band 1
Corporate/Commercial: East Coast: Zhejiang - Band 1
Corporate/Commercial: Western China: Sichuan - Band 1
Corporate/Commercial: East Coast: Shandong - Band 2
Corporate/Commercial: East Coast: Fujian - Band 2
Corporate/Commercial: East Coast: Guangdong - Band 2
Energy & Natural Resources - Band 2
Corporate/M&A - Band 3
Investment Funds - Recognized Firm